Peer-reviewed publications
- 2024
- 2023
- Oncogenic signalling is coupled to colorectal cancer cell differentiation state.
Sell T, Klotz C, Fischer MM, Astaburuaga-García R, Krug S, Drost J, Clevers H, Morkel M, Blüthgen N. Journal of Cell Biology 222 (6): e202204001.
- On tumoural growth and treatment under cellular dedifferentiation.
Fischer MM, Blüthgen N. Journal of Theoretical Biology 557, 111327.
- 2022
- 2020
- 2019
- Quantifying the uncertainty of variance partitioning estimates of ecological datasets.
Fischer MM (2019). Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 26 (4), 351-366.
- Latitudinal constraints in responsiveness of plants to arbuscular mycorrhiza: The 'sun-worshipper' hypothesis.
Veresoglou SD, Chen B, Fischer MM, Helgason T, Mamolos AP, Rillig MC, Roldan A, Johnson D (2019). New Phytologist, 224 (2), 552-556.
Selected conference presentations
Academic theses
Courses taught as tutor
- Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- Computational Biology / Bioinformatics, Profs. Blüthgen & Herzel, HU Berlin (2021)
- Mathematical Modelling in Quantitative Biology, Profs. Herzel, Blüthgen & Steuer, HU Berlin (2020-2021)
- Freie Universität Berlin
- Bioinformatics for Biologists, Prof. Conrad, FU Berlin (2017-2019)
- Biostatistics, Prof. Tietjen, FU Berlin (2016-2018)
- Evolution and Signal Transduction in Microbiology, Prof. Mutzel, FU Berlin (2018)
- Community Ecology and Biodiversity, Drs. Veresoglou & Hempel, FU Berlin (2017)